Create an event
Press Create to start entering a new event, which consists of these parts
Name — the title that displays in the events page, email. Notifications, etc
Time and date — we use a 12 hour clock with AM and PM
Public or private — Public events are viewable by anyone who has been assigned to it on the teams page. They can see it on the Events screen, the Edit screen, and notification and email alerts. Any team members assigned to an event can edit it.
Private events are only viewable by the person who created it. Werther they are the team admin or not. Team members can create personal events that are not seen by their admin or other team members.
Team — Members of the team who also receive alerts for this event. Each event can have it’s own selection of team members
Temporarily silencing an event’s alerts
You can stop an event from being included in alters (notifications and emails)
Press the Edit nav bar option to go to the Edit events screen. Pressing anywhere in the table or the small next arrow will edit that event.
Pressing the green toggle control will turn off all notifications for the whole team including you, until it is turned on again.
Editing an event
Any team member who is assigned to an event can edit it.
To edit an event press anywhere in the table, or the small next arrow on the right hand side.